Get Involved
White Fields is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible.
There are many different ways to support White Fields, and our donors always have the option of choosing how their gift should be used.
Every gift, whatever its size, has a lasting impact on the lives of the individuals and families at White Fields. Thank you for your interest in supporting White Fields with a donation.

White Fields established an endowment fund in 2012 to ensure the longevity and sustainability of the organization. Please consider making a gift to help us grow our fund. For more information, contact the development office at 405-479-7546.
In-kind gifts and services are always appreciated at White Fields. Your company, family, or group may enjoy putting together baskets for our individuals and families, packages of items for the cottages, or school supplies. For a copy of our current Needs List, please contact Frank Alberson at
When you make an in-kind donation, we will provide you a receipt for tax purposes. Please call our offices at 405-479-7546 to discuss arrangements for other donations.
In addition to monetary contributions we are constantly looking for basic need items. Our needs do change from season to season. Please email Frank Alberson at for a copy of our current Needs List. For residents’ individual sizes or any questions, contact our offices via email or phone at (405) 479-7546. Thank you for your love and support!

Volunteerism makes a tremendous difference in the lives of our individuals and families. There are many ways to become involved as a volunteer, whether as an individual or as a group. Whether you are looking for a place for your company, youth group, college organization, or family to get involved, we have opportunities for everyone to help make a difference in the lives of our individuals and families.
To arrange a time to volunteer, or to visit and tour White Fields, email Frank Alberson at or call the office at 405-479-7546. If you’d like to volunteer in a way not listed below, we are happy to discuss other opportunities.
Currently, we have a need for female mentors. This meaningful volunteer commitment is something our individuals and families truly appreciate and is a critical component in their overall progression. Spend quality time with one of our residents two or more times per month for a few hours at a time.
If you are interested in reading with one of our residents regularly or helping at our school library on campus, we would love to have your help.
Do you have expertise in a particular subject? Are you interested in helping our children with homework? Tutors are needed for core subject areas across all grades (middle through high school).
Large groups are always needed for landscaping and gardening help in order to maintain the trees, lawn, garden, and flower beds on campus. Deep cleaning and organization in buildings on campus is also needed.
Our holiday volunteers help decorate campus for holidays such as New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
If you would like to organize a donation drive at your company, church, school, or organization, our “Needs List” is updated regularly. Many of our items are consumable, so we welcome donations throughout the year. For more information about our Needs List, see below.